Energy is an essential commodity in modern life. Our GDP activity is directly correlated to our energy consumption, stressing the case for market-based solutions as the best way to secure economic prosperity.
Energy extraction generates jobs, contributes to economic output, pays its fair share of taxes, and provides energy security for a landlocked state with a fast growing population. People need houses to live in, cars to move around, computers to do work, food to eat, and smartphones to facilitate communication - simple, basic things that require a reliable source of power. Energy generation has been at the core of modern civilization.
With the rise of climate change to the political forefront we cannot simply take positions and debate who's to blame - we must adapt and work out a solution based on market principles, not government decrees.

We need a solution for today's problems. We believe that approaching the problem from two complementary angles is key to hedge against the risk of human error. We strongly believe in a healthy environment in which communities thrive.
We also believe energy is a fundamental factor in society's path to progress. We have incorporated these two cornerstones of modern society in our mission, which is to protect the environment and local communities by taking an BD + ML (Big Data + Machine Learning) approach to gas leak monitoring and detection services. We are confident that new approaches can help us solve old problems by looking at them through a different prism.
Colorado enjoys the privilege of having pristine natural landscapes along rich natural resources. GDS team is working hard to make the tradeoff between either one a thing of the past - it's about time Americans enjoy both, putting safety first.
Energy without compromises is what we strive for.

Human ingenuity is an intrinsic part of our nature as a species – we find solutions to problems we run into as we evolve. Part of the solution to counteract the impact humans are having on Planet Earth might be to switch part of power generation capacity to renewable energy; what we have found so far is inconclusive:
This is an enormous, multigenerational task.
It is politically fragile.
It is expensive compared to current options, hindering economic potential.
It is sometimes unpractical - geography plays a key role.
Relegates human ingenuity to a secondary role, putting government in charge.
It is partial solution.